The SCC Blog

The latest news from the
Canadian cloud.

October is considered North America’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Once again, it is that time of year where conversation resolving around cybersecurity has risen in popularity. For some, it’s a helpful reminder of its importance, and for others it's a harsh wake-up call. For those who have kept up-to-date with the best cybersecurity practices, this time of the year can be taken to congratulate themselves and to reflect on the effectiveness of their efforts. For others who have made little-to-no progress in this field, this time period of increased discussion regarding cybersecurity should be taken advantage of, in the hopes of catching up.  (more…)
Most businesses complete at least a portion of their daily operations over the cloud. This is a difficult environment to navigate and therefore familiarizing yourself can provide you with the proper knowledge to safely utilize the cloud. The focus here will be privacy law compliance, which is one of the primary components of the cloud alongside security, support, and management. This facet of cloud hosted infrastructure is complex and, if neglected, can not only threaten the integrity of your business but can also result in legal repercussions as well. In order to ensure your business is in good standing we will tell you everything you need to know about  keeping your data in Canada. (more…)
The complexity of cloud hosted infrastructure can make migration and configuration quite overwhelming, which, as will be pointed out, highlights the importance of unifying your cloud solution. Focus has to be balanced between network reliability, backup, scale, security, functionality, privacy compliance and more. For any I.T. team these tasks can be demanding, requiring a large amount of resources, and typically even third-party assistance. In some cases, failing to account for certain intricacies can lead to lower-quality end results. Therefore, taking advantage of support from experienced professionals is crucial to streamline cloud migration and management. (more…)
The modern work environment is constantly changing, requiring businesses to take advantage of new technology and features to achieve success. One of these recent revelations is known as cloud hosted infrastructure. So today we will be going over the pros of moving your CPA firm to the cloud. If you’re unfamiliar with what that is, or just need a quick refresher, check out our explanation of cloud hosting (more…)

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