Canadian Hosting Benefits
Good news for Canadian companies looking to store private data locally.

Canada is a recognized world leader in privacy legislation. Whether your business is targeting the Canadian market or whether you are an international company targeting the US market; Canada is an ideal location for hosting business-critical applications.
All of our servers and customers’ data reside in Canada! The Cloud computing model is under a fair amount of scrutiny by privacy advocates and lawmakers. The concern is around the level of visibility and control (lawfully or unlawfully) that the Cloud computing providers have in communications and data storage. This is especially relevant when there are conflicting requirements within laws, such as Canada’s PIPEDA and American privacy laws.

Where is your data really hosted? Knowingly or unknowingly?
In Canada, the private sector’s use and application of personal data is highly regulated, protecting sensitive and personal information for both individuals as well as businesses. The US Patriot Act and now the US CLOUD Act permits government and law enforcement agencies the ability to search data retained by service providers, sometimes even if an American provider has a datacentre located in Canada. The Canadian and Provincial privacy laws (including PIPEDA) are in conflict with the US Law, and Canadian companies looking to store private data in the US would be subject to adherence.