Server Cloud Canada offers 100% Canadian infrastructure & connectivity. Learn how SCC can keep your company or organization fully compliant.

Most businesses complete at least a portion of their daily operations over the cloud. This is a difficult environment to navigate and therefore familiarizing yourself can provide you with the proper knowledge to safely utilize the cloud. The focus here will be privacy law compliance, which is one of the primary components of the cloud alongside security, support, and management. This facet of cloud hosted infrastructure is complex and, if neglected, can not only threaten the integrity of your business but can also result in legal repercussions as well. In order to ensure your business is in good standing we will tell you everything you need to know about  keeping your data in Canada.
Historically, the field of cybersecurity has been largely unregulated, with little to no requirements needed to be met by corporations. Recently, health centers, municipalities, universities, and other Canadian businesses and organizations have been targeted by electronic espionage and ransomware. In many instances, the attacks go unreported because the corporations fear their reputation may be damaged if word spreads that their existing security was incompetent. Often corporations decide it is in their best interest to pay the ransom fee in order to dismiss the problem, rather than to reach out for external assistance. Recently, the Government of Canada has introduced a new Canadian cybersecurity bill forcing corporations to prioritize mandatory reporting of cyber attacks and the meeting of new security standards.
  Major changes to Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) are coming into law this fall. Now is the time for organizations to pay careful attention to their role in protecting the privacy of customers.
Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) will soon be experiencing an overhaul. Any private-sector organization throughout Canada could be affected and must learn their new accountabilities before November 1st 2018 - the date of enforcement. Non-compliance could result in weighty fines up to $100,000.
On November 1st 2018, the Government of Canada will be enforcing important changes to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).  These amendments will apply to most private-sector organizations conducting commercial activities throughout most of Canada. This motion comes in light of recent adaptions to the United Kingdom’s privacy laws that have emphasized a need for Canadian restructuring.