While the Chinese Zodiac may state that it is the “Year of the Horse,” technology dictates that 2014 will be the year of the cloud. More and more companies, small and large are beginning to understand the benefits that cloud computing offer including reduced up-front investments, lower labor costs, access to enterprise-grade infrastructure, stability, scalability, and flexibility. However, deciding exactly when to make the jump can be a complicated matter. Even though the benefits are enormous, making the move without the proper planning and consideration is ill-advised. Every company should carefully consider all aspects of the move before taking the plunge.
First, there was the computer revolution and now it is the internet revolution. Businesses small and large now use the internet for a variety of tasks, especially those firms that utilize cloud-based utilities, software and storage. Because of this, the internet connection you choose can have a major impact on productivity, employee satisfaction and most importantly—your bottom line. Many business owners don’t have the knowledge, or time to invest, to understand the differences in available services. However, a simple overview of the pros and cons of cable and fiber optic internet services can help you determine which one will work best for your particular situation.