Cloud computing can be more secure than traditional IT. Cloud providers and new Cloud server technologies employ and deliver security well beyond the means of any small to medium business.
Knowing where to start for cloud migration can be a tricky thing. So we've compiled a "10 Step Migration Plan" to help the process.
As with any outsourced service, such as the Cloud, security is paramount. The security objectives of an organization are a key factor for decisions about outsourcing information technology services and, in particular, for decisions about transitioning organizational data, applications, and other resources to a Cloud computing environment.
The legal environment for Cloud computing is in catch-up mode relative to the pace of Cloud adoption. Many data privacy laws pre-date Cloud computing capability. Cloud computing now possess new legal dimensions and dynamics that have not yet been fully tested, although moving quickly to adopt consensus on standards, responsibilities, liabilities and universality. It is new territory for legal considerations for both Cloud provider and client. One thing that remains constant that impacts on legal considerations is the threat landscape constantly changes and evolves and both parties require to work together to build the jurisprudence.