
Disaster Recovery and BCD Planning

Are you leaving the fate of your business to chance?

What would happen if you could not access your business critical data for any period of time?

Wouldn’t it make sense to replicate your data in a private environment that would allow for easy access from anywhere at any time, without buying hardware, hiring and training staff or investing in a secondary site?

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Canadian Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Start focusing on what makes sense. Leave expensive and costly infrastructure hosting and maintenance to us. Server Cloud Canada’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allows organizations to migrate and host their existing data platforms privately, within Canada.

Server Cloud Canada owns and operates one of Canada’s largest distributed cloud based infrastructures, offering clients of all sizes and complexities a means of transitioning on premise equipment and platforms to a fully redundant secured national cloud based hosted environment. Our team of professional engineers are trained and experienced in information technology, data evolution, and infrastructure optimization.
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Why Helion Could Be The Game-Changer The Cloud Has Been Waiting For

In today’s business world, everyone expects more of everything. Customers demand tighter security, faster transactions, and enhanced customer service. Business owners want superior visibility, higher availability, and the agility to scale for massive growth at a moment’s notice.

At Server Cloud Canada, we’re seeing the move to the cloud as an enabler of game-changing benefits for everyone.

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