
Ontario Centres of Excellence Discovery 2014

Server Cloud Canada was fortunate to participate in this year’s Ontario Centres of Excellence Discovery 2014 conference and exhibition in Toronto.

Discovery brings together over 2,500 of the best and brightest minds in industry, academia, the investment community and government to showcase leading-edge technologies, best practices and research in Ontario.

Of particular interest, the increasing trend in procuring virtual scalable infrastructure exclusively distributed within the Canadian market.

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Introduction To SIP


“To ask the value of speech is like asking the value of life.”Alexander Graham Bell


People today have more options for communication than ever before in history. Voice, text, and video can all be delivered across the world in real-time, all while transcending both traditional voice and data networks.

Since Alexander Graham Bell and the opening of the long-distance line from New York to Chicago in 1892; the traditional switch-based telephone system has been the main medium for transmitting communication. However with the relatively recent advent of the Internet and IP based systems, the need was felt to design a new phone and communications method and ‘backbone’ to take advantage the improved networking and advanced technologies.

Enter VoIP. VoIP, at the absolute most basic level, is the ability to make traditional phone calls and to communicate using the traditional devices (telephones, video etc.) except using digital communication lines.

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